Bookish Confessions (#6): Why I’ve Been Absent

bookish confessionsSo if you haven’t noticed, I haven’t posted really anything the past couple weeks. That’s because 1) I’ve haven’t finished any books & 2) I’ve been really busy with school.

This is probably my worst reading month yet. I was planning to make it my best because it’s my birthday month (April 30th) and it just seemed right. Well, I recently just finished my third book today..

School has been very hectic the last couple weeks. Of course, the semester ends in 3 weeks (I have 4 more classes left then finals- Tuesday/Thursday classes) and we had a couple snow days which threw us back so professors are trying to get caught up. So everything is being due lately. Literally I had an anatomy lab report, an english paper and an anatomy lecture test all on Thursday, so I was a little stressed this last week.

This week coming up is considered “dead week” which basically means nothing is due. No tests, quizzes, papers anything. So I’m going to try and use that to my advantage to get caught up a little bit-we will see how that goes.

But basically I just wanted to update you guys in why I’ve been kinda M.I.A. lately. Yes, I’ve been posting Top 10’s and W.o.W., but I pre-write those ahead of time so they were already ready for the most part.

I’m going to try and post a little bit more here soon! I have a lot of things coming up!

I’m going on a book buying ban for this summer because my un-read books are a little embarrassing…

But yeah, I’ll be updating you guys more here soon with everything going on! :)

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