Review: We Own Tonight by Corinne Michaels


From New York Times Bestseller, Corinne Michaels, comes a sexy new STANDALONE romance novel.

I’m not a one-night stand kind of woman. I’m especially not the woman who has a few drinks at a concert and ends up in bed with my childhood celebrity crush, Eli Walsh.

However, that’s exactly where I find myself.

What’s a girl to do after a drunken mistake? Run. I grab my clothes and get away from the powerful, irresistible, and best-sex-of-my-life superstar as fast as I can. His gorgeous green eyes, rock-hard body, and cocky smile have no place in my world. My life is complicated enough.

Someone forgot to tell him that.

Eli is relentless. Pushing his way into my heart, wearing me down, proving he’s nothing like I assumed, and everything I need. But when my world shatters to pieces, he holds the broken bits together. Unwillingly, I fall desperately in love with him.

He made me think we’d have forever . . . I should’ve listened when he said we could only own tonight.


Okay, so this is definitely my favorite Corinne book to date! As usual, this book brings many, many tears. I don’t even know where to begin with this book. I mean a fangirl who has been crushing over this guy for years starts to fall for her. That’s like me with Nick Jonas! Which then led me to say dreaming about something like that happening. :)
This book was so good. I don’t even know what to say without gushing over this book. I’ve read and adored all of hers and I can definitely say this is my favorite one of hers. This book meant so much to me, it pulled my heart strings and makes you want to go squeeze everyone important in your life.
I couldn’t stop reading this book, I had to know what would happen next.
Seriously, all I can do is gush over this book!!!!!

Cover Reveal: We Own Tonight by Corinne Michaels


We are excited to bring you the upcoming standalone from New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal Bestseller Corinne Michaels.

WE OWN TONIGHT will be releasing on Sept 7th


Cover Design: Perfect Pear Creative
Photographer: Jon Wong



From New York Times Bestseller, Corinne Michaels, comes a sexy new STANDALONE romance novel.

I’m not a one-night stand kind of woman. I’m especially not the woman who has a few drinks at a concert and ends up in bed with my childhood celebrity crush, Eli Walsh.

However, that’s exactly where I find myself.

What’s a girl to do after a drunken mistake? Run. I grab my clothes and get away from the powerful, irresistible, and best-sex-of-my-life superstar as fast as I can. His gorgeous green eyes, rock-hard body, and cocky smile have no place in my world. My life is complicated enough.

Someone forgot to tell him that.

Eli is relentless. Pushing his way into my heart, wearing me down, proving he’s nothing like I assumed, and everything I need. But when my world shatters to pieces, he holds the broken bits together. Unwillingly, I fall desperately in love with him.

He made me think we’d have forever . . . I should’ve listened when he said we could only own tonight.




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New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal Bestseller Corinne Michaels is the author of nine romance novels. She’s an emotional, witty, sarcastic, and fun loving mom of two beautiful children. Corinne is happily married to the man of her dreams and is a former Navy wife.

After spending months away from her husband while he was deployed, reading and writing was her escape from the loneliness. She enjoys putting her characters through intense heartbreak and finding a way to heal them through their struggles. Her stories are chock full of emotion, humor, and unrelenting love.

Newsletter | Website | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Goodreads | Pinterest | Amazon Author Page | Corinne Michaels Facebook Group



Review Blitz: Say I’m Yours by Corinne Michaels


SIY Available Now

SayYours AmazonFrom New York Times Bestseller, Corinne Michaels, comes a new second chance standalone romance.

I spent twenty years waiting for Trent Hennington to open his eyes and see me. But it was all for nothing. He chose to keep himself guarded and let me walk away, proving that my time and efforts were wasted.

I’m done being invisible.

It’s time to move on.

A single dance sets my new reality into motion, and I welcome it. After all, Cooper Townsend is perfect. He’s kind, sexy, and attentive–everything a girl could want.

I thought I got it right this time.

That my heart could mend, and I would be happy.

Apparently, some things really are just too hard to walk away from.


My Review:

This woman and her writing and stories… They kill me every time. I’ve read and ADORED every single book that’s been published. She really knows how to mess with your emotions. If you’ve read hers before, you know it’s no secret. if you’ve never read, keep this in mind. Tears will be shed, if not, then tears WILL be in your eyes. I’ve cried every book. I’m an emotional person (I’m sure you all know this by now) so it doesn’t take much for the water to start flowing. But seriously. I get sucked into her books immediately. Grace is definitely my favorite female character she’s written so far. She’s the character I’ve related to most in her stories. Not completely, but enough. These Hennington boys… Seriously, I wish emojis worked here because they get my feelings out better than words. It’s easier and faster. :) But seriously, I can’t with these books and I adored Trent and Grace. I love this gang so much I’m not ready for it to be over..


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9 we kiss2 3 but









Corinne Close Medium

Corinne Michaels is the New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal Bestselling author of The Salvation Series (Beloved, Beholden, Consolation, Conviction & Defenseless), Say You’ll Stay, Say You Want Me, and Say I’m Yours. She’s an emotional, witty, sarcastic, and fun loving mom of two beautiful children. Corinne is happily married to the man of her dreams and is a former Navy wife. After spending months away from her husband while he was deployed, reading and writing was her escape from the loneliness.

Both her maternal and paternal grandmothers were librarians, which only intensified her love of reading. After years of writing short stories, she couldn’t ignore the call to finish her debut novel, Beloved. Her alpha heroes are broken, beautiful, and will steal your heart.

Newsletter | Website | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Goodreads | Pinterest | Amazon Author Page | Corinne Michaels Facebook Group



Blog Tour & Release Day Blitz: Say You Want Me by Corinne Michaels






There’s no way I’ll fall for Wyatt Hennington.

He can keep his Southern drawl, irresistible smile, and those pick-up lines all to himself. I made the mistake of sleeping with him not once, but twice. I’m not stupid enough to give him round three, especially after he left me in the middle of the night so I could see myself out. I vow to return to Philadelphia and forget him.

It proves easier said than done.

When the doctor informs me I’m the winner of door prize number two, I put my life on hold and head back to Bell Buckle. Three months and if we can’t make this work, I’m gone.

The problem is—when the cards are stacked against us, and I can’t bring myself to leave him, I’ll finally know if he truly loves me or if all my fears were real . . .




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Wow, so I’ve been gone from my blog a long time! AND WOW! I failed at getting this up this morning- time is just too fast for me to keep up.

But to the point of this blog post.

SAY YOU WANT ME was EVERYTHING. WYATT is my favorite and has been since the beginning of SAY YOU’LL STAY. I have been so excited to get my hands on his book and was so excited to see I was accepted to review a copy! I’ve loved every single one of Corinne’s books; I’ve read them all and they are all 5 star favorites for me. She knows how to play with your emotions and not in a nice way. She rips them apart and puts it back together perfectly and your left swooning and cursing that the book is already over. Happens every single time with her books. I always want more at the end. Then again, I’m never really ready for a book to end. :)

This book immediately hits the ground sprinting; chapter one throws something at you and you’re left shocked. But then Wyatt comes in the picture and you just swoon the entire time. Just WAITING for that time when you can swoop into Angie’s place and take Wyatt. :) Is that just me? :P

I can’t gush enough; this is typically what I do in reviews; I gush non-stop! I LOVE THIS BOOK. I LOVE WYATT. I LOVE THE HENNINGTON FAMILY. I LOVE BELL BUCKLE. I LOVE THIS WHOLE SERIES.












Corinne Close Medium

Corinne Michaels is the New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal Bestselling author of The Salvation Series and Say You’ll Stay. She’s an emotional, witty, sarcastic, and fun loving mom of two beautiful children. Corinne is happily married to the man of her dreams and is a former Navy wife. After spending months away from her husband while he was deployed, reading and writing was her escape from the loneliness.

Both her maternal and paternal grandmothers were librarians, which only intensified her love of reading. After years of writing short stories, she couldn’t ignore the call to finish her debut novel, Beloved. Her alpha heroes are broken, beautiful, and will steal your heart.

Newsletter | Website | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Goodreads | Pinterest | Amazon Author Page | Corinne Michaels Facebook Group



Review: Defenseless by Corinne Michaels

defenselessDefenseless by Corinne Michaels
Published by Self Published on January 19th 2016
Genres: Contemporary, Contemporary Romance, New Adult, Romance
Pages: 322
Source: ARC copy from author
Buy on Amazon

My life is a secret.
His life is dangerous.
We’re both stubborn, calculating, and controlling.
Mark Dixon doesn’t know what he’s getting into. He doesn’t know his games could cost us our lives. I have to do what is necessary to keep us alive, and that means guarding my heart.
But I know I’m defenseless against him, and in the end, he’ll force me to surrender.

what i thoughtI received an ARC copy in exchange for an honest review from the author. It does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

If any of you make me choose between Twilight, Muffin and Dreamboat, I might cry. Usually I have a favorite in a series, but I LITERALLY CANNOT pick, I love these 3 men so so much and all for very different reasons! Asking that kind of question is like trying to ask what my favorite book/music/movie is… I can’t ever pick.

I’m so glad this wasn’t a cliffhanger- if you’re familiar with Corinne’s previous 2 duets, you’ll know those have cliffhangers, this one does not. Like the previous 2, this is intertwined. This follows Mark and Charlie – both characters we meet in Consolation Duet. (Mark before in Belonging Duet). Even though I read backwards and read the Consolation Duet first, I have been absolutely beyond excited to read Mark’s story – he was HILARIOUS.

Because this is a standalone, I don’t want to give too much away by doing a synopsis. I think the one above can give you something. I do recommend reading the other 2 duets first since they will make an appearance in this one. Unless you don’t mind being spoiled (some things from both couples books get mentioned), by all means read this first. But you should meet Jackson and Liam first! Mark makes plenty of appearances! ;)

As I’ve already mentioned several times just in this review, I have been so excited for Mark’s story. When you meet him in the previous books he just never seemed the guy to want to settle down, until Defenseless. I can sit here and type why I love Mark so much… But then that would lead into talking about Jackson and Liam too. I can’t gush about these books enough!!!

Mark and Charlie are very alike and different at the same time. Charlie doesn’t make it easy for Mark; their banter was honestly probably my favorite thing. I just about highlighted every conversation. This is one of those where you start laughing out of nowhere — not in your head kind of laughter.

Romance, action, humor and suspense… What more could you want in a book?! :)


(I actually lost all my highlights and notes and they aren’t appearing back… With that said I was only able to make 2 teasers. Down the road if they ever reappear or I come across more quotes, you’ll see them on @just2bibliomaniacs on Instagram.) :)photo (2)


My Reading Stack (#24)

reading stackSoooo… It’s been a long time since I last did this… December 20th was the last time I did this.. So I’m playing catch up. For this post, I’m just showing the weeks I missed with their reviews.

Week of December 20th-27th:

night fox scoring wilder winter wishes Waiting for Wyatt Cover SM harry potter and the deathly hallows

  • Night Fox by Tia Giacalone: I felt like I read a completely different story to be honest — in the best way possible. This was a completely different vibe and tone compared to Hey Sunshine. I was anxious and nervous pretty much this entire book. I wasn’t sure how this was going to play out. Also, because Tia hates all of us (TOTALLY kidding 120%; just my fangirl speaking), this ALSO ends in a cliffhanger — be warned! HOWEVER, you HAVE to read this if your a fan of new adult. I will continuously recommend this series at every opportunity I get. I personally think cliffhangers are fun! Yes, the waiting is not all that fun — but we get all excited for the sequel! Tia Giacalone is one of my all time favorite authors; she’s an incredibly talented author and her books aren’t getting the love they deserve. You need to meet the gang; Avery, Annabelle, Fox and the whole family! It is IMPOSSIBLE not to fall in love with them, they all have a HUGE chunk of my heart and will continue to hold that chunk forever. AB-SO-LUTE-LY LOVED!
    • FINAL RATING: ☆☆☆☆☆
  • Scoring Wilder by R.S. Grey: WHY did I wait until now to start her books?! HOLY COW! All time favorite for the year! Everything about this book was perfect, Kinsley’s inner monologue was the best! I listened to this as an audiobook and I’m sure while driving some people thought I lost my mind. There were times where I tried to hold in the laughter, but I lost it MULTIPLE times! I couldn’t help the excitement at the end either… I’m sure I REALLY look like someone who had lost their marbles, fangirling like a crazy person. ;) I LOVED LOVED LOVED this book to pieces! I’m so beyond excited to read more of her books!!!
    • FINAL RATING: ☆☆☆☆☆
  • Winter Wishes by Karina Halle: Absolutely loved – of course! Kayla and Lachlan are probably hands down my favorite couple so far. And after reading The Offer, I doubted anyone could beat Bram, nope… This was perfect to get into the Christmas spirit! Absolutely LOVED!
    • FINAL RATING: ☆☆☆☆☆
  • Waiting for Wyatt by S.D. Hendrickson: Everything about this book was tragically beautiful, which I think is the best way to describe it. This book broke my heart MANY MANY times and I honestly lost count after the 10th time. This book truly affected my emotions. I can’t stress my love for this book, The Mason List and Mrs. Hendrickson enough.
    • FINAL RATING: ☆☆☆☆☆
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling: IDK what to do now…
    • FINAL RATING: ☆☆☆☆☆


running on empty beloved beholden never never part 2 finding it built

  • Running on Empty by L.B. Simmons: Thought it was a cute story. The main focus wasn’t of the romance – it didn’t really come into effect until the last 15% which was shocking for me. I wasn’t expecting for it to come that late. But I really enjoyed this story overall. I found myself laughing and smiling way too many times to count.
    • FINAL RATING: ☆☆☆½
  • Beloved by Corinne Michaels: Thank GOD I own the boxset… Dang cliffhanger… I don’t know who I love more Liam or Jackson. This is very hard to decide. I absolutely loved this book! I guess I’m really at a loss for words honestly. I don’t know what else to add in this review.
    • FINAL RATING: ☆☆☆☆☆
  • Beholden by Corinne Michaels: *starts dancing* PERFECT! PERFECT! PER-FECT! Loved everything about this duology! I thought I knew Jackson’s past, but as usual I got it wrong. I loved Catherine and Jackson so so much. I literally cannot pick between Jackson and Liam. The epilogue was so cute and hilarious. Being me, I always want more to a couples story. Loved this story so much. :)
    • FINAL RATING: ☆☆☆☆☆
  • Never Never Part 2 by Colleen Hoover and Tarryn Fisher: It is driving me absolutely bonkers not knowing what the heck is going on. This one doesn’t leave on as big of a cliffhanger as the first one does, but big enough that you need the 3rd immediately. I’m not sure if the 3rd is the final book, but I’m hoping we either find out what’s going on or get clues!
    • FINAL RATING: ☆☆☆☆
  • Finding It by Cora Carmack: yay!!! this really could have counted as my first read of 2016, but considering I read the majority of the book before midnight, it’s my last book of 2015. :) I really liked this book, I felt I didn’t connect to Jackson and Kelsey as much as I did with the previous 2 books, but all the traveling made me want to go out and do it. I wanted more to both their stories and especially the ending. it was a good ending, but I wanted to see what happened next.
    • FINAL RATING: ☆☆☆☆
  • Built by Jay Crownover: I have only read Rule from the Marked Men series so I was really worried I would get spoiled. Built is a spin-off from Marked Men so we do see some of the boys from the previous series make their appearance with their significant others. My biggest concern was having major plots spoiled from the series, but that wasn’t the case. Yes, we get a glimpse of who they end up with and what happens years down the road (as in kids), but that didn’t bother me. I have been dying to continue the MM series since I read the first, now I feel even more excited to do so. I have fallen completely head over heels over Zeb (then again, who wouldn’t?!). I haven’t met too many bearded men, let alone ones that are also tattooed. I think Zeb has ruined all other future book boyfriends for me.
    • FINAL RATING: ☆☆☆☆☆


Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000447_00008] corrupt Copy of finding serenity ecover fading

  • Sweet Fall by Tillie Cole: Wow, if Sweet Home crushed my heart, then Sweet Fall just gutted me. I knew going in, it was obviously going to be an emotional read after having read Sweet Home, but wow…. I adored everything about this book. I’ve know alot about what happened with Lexi, keeping spoiler free so those that don’t know what happens stay spoiler free, but I think it’s mentioned… Anywho, I’ve had some background knowledge about it, but reading a book with a character experiencing it?! Wow, my heart seriously shattered. I adored Austin and Lexi to pieces. Please don’t make me choose my favorite right now- I love both Rome and Austin just as much as the other but all for different reasons mostly. I can’t get over this book and honestly? Probably won’t ever. This has already made it to my top reads of 2016 and this was only book 2 of MANY this year and I have A LONG time to read others. But without a doubt, I know it will make the list come end of year. Loved!
    • FINAL RATING: ☆☆☆☆☆
  • Corrupt by Penelope Douglas: I haven’t read many or any dark romance so this was my first taste of the genre. Wow… Is all I have to say for this. I did have some high expectations because of all the hype. Many people made it seem EXTREMELY dark and that the first 30% was just too much… It was never THAT intense! I really liked this book! It is DEFINITELY different from other books I’ve read and I’m pretty sure this was my first dark book… But seriously, wow. This book had everything for the most part! I definitely love Michael and Kai. Will is okay for me — don’t care too much for him. Rika was an interesting character, she basically became a new character by the end of the book. At least, that’s what I saw. Maybe it was different for others. But loved this book! Can’t wait for more books by this author and can’t wait to dive into more dark books!
    • FINAL RATING: ☆☆☆☆½
  •  Finding Serenity by T.E. Black: This book could have gone so many ways and I’m very happy with the ending! I was getting very nervous about how this book would play out. I caught on to a couple of the secrets but some completely took me by surprise.You will hate Trent to the ends of Earth, want to punch him at times, but then fall hardcore for him. He’s a very frustrating character, yet you can’t help but fall in love with him like Shay did. Especially the ending… My heart.. I was sooo close to happy tears at the end and usually it’s sad tears. I don’t normally get happy tears while reading, so I guess that should say something?
    • FINAL RATING: ☆☆☆☆☆
  • Fading by E.K. Blair: I have finally finished this book!!!! I listened to the first 75% as an audiobook, then decided to read the last 25% because I wanted to finish it already. I’m mad that there’s a sequel and I don’t think I own it. But I loved this book, despite the topic it covers. I think what really threw me and what makes it different at least from other books I’ve read that are surrounded by this topic, was the prologue. You immediately know something that doesn’t get discussed until later in the book (which drove me crazy). Had they left it out, I may not have caught on. But I was just waiting for the conversation to happen… I’m really looking forward to the second book! I HATED Candace’s parents and LOVED Ryan’s mom. I got tears at the end- she’s literally one of the best moms. Loved Jase, Kimber and Mark.
    • FINAL RATING: ☆☆☆☆½

WEEK OF JANUARY 11th-17th:

defenseless a healing heart a healing spirit

  • Defenseless by Corinne Michaels: If any of you make me choose between Twilight, Muffin and Dreamboat, I might cry. Usually I have a favorite in a series, but I LITERALLY CANNOT pick, I love these 3 men so so much and all for very different reasons! I’m so glad this wasn’t a cliffhanger- if you’re familiar with Corinne’s previous 2 duets, you’ll know those have cliffhangers, this one does not. Like the previous 2, this is intertwined. This follows Mark and Charlie – both characters we meet in Consolation Duet. (Mark before in Belonging Duet). Even though I read backwards and read the Consolation duet, I have been absolutely beyond excited to read Mark’s story – he was HILARIOUS. And ohhh boyy was this book hilarious!!!! I cannot tell you how many times I highlighted different quotes and scenes! I absolutely loved this book, can’t stress my love for these books enough!
    • FINAL RATING: ☆☆☆☆☆
  • A Healing Heart by Melissa A. Hanson: Absolutely freaking loved every bit of this book! Definitely didn’t expect how devastating and sad this book was going to be. I knew from the blurb it wouldn’t be a light read, but wow, I was blown away. I was getting some serious anxiety towards the end because I wasn’t sure how it was going to play out. Loved it all, especially the extra point of view, I thought that was awesome having that.
    • FINAL RATING: ☆☆☆☆☆
  • A Healing Spirit by Melissa A. Hanson: Ugh, absolutely loved this one too! It’s fairly late for me to be up… That’s how badly I had to finish reading. The last 100 pages or so keep you on your toes wanting more and I knew I wouldn’t go to bed not knowing what was going to happen next. Usually I can go to sleep and continue the following day, nope.. Not with this one!! How I’ve managed to stay up this late is beyond me… But this story was just as amazing! I have no doubt the next book(s) will be just as amazing! I fell hard for Dylan (who wouldn’t!? He has a southern accent– one of the things I like most). ;) Mia was just awesome. Words cannot describe how amazing of a person she was. Ugh, this book. Just too good. Suspense was ON POINT. I seriously could not put this book down. It is crazy just how quickly things can turn for the worst. I’ve never really had the urge to go snowboarding, I’m already not coordinated on just bare land… I cannot tell you how many times I’ve hurt myself.. Trying to snowboard would be scary. But reading this definitely made me more nervous for sure.
    • FINAL RATING: ☆☆☆☆☆


My Reading Stack (#22)

reading stackI completely forgot to post what I read last week, so this is going to be a big wrap-up for the 2 weeks. My semester ended last week so I’ve been reading like crazy.

What I Finished:

frenched consolation unexpected fate coach conviction hard to love kaleidoscope hearts torn hearts harry potter and the order of the pheonix just a kiss

  • Frenched by Melanie Harlow: I’m sooo glad I was finally able to start this with Monica. We have been talking for months about reading this together and we finally did. I knew I was probably going to love it and I did. But, who wouldn’t love a book set in Paris?! I absolutely loved Lucas and Mia, loved their story, loved everything. I need their novella and I’m frustrated I don’t already own it. Can’t wait to read more of Melanie’s books, I’m hooked!
    • FINAL RATING: ☆☆☆☆☆
  • Consolation by Corinne Michaels: Seriously… That ending. Why?! Corinne, why?! I don’t own the second book and it’s only been 15 minutes and I’m going crazy! This is probably one of the biggest cliffhangers I’ve come across this year. Definitely wasn’t expecting that ending! Wow! But anyway, I loved this book. I couldn’t help but immediately fall for Liam. All alpha-male, sweet, caring Liam. Plus, not to mention how good he is with Arrabelle. ;) As I’ve said before if you’ve read previous reviews, guys who are like this immediately win my heart. :) Loved all the side characters, loved everything! I’m DYING to read the 2nd book, it is literally driving me crazy…
    • FINAL RATING: ☆☆☆☆½
  • Unexpected Fate by Harper Sloan: I. LOVED. THIS. BOOK! This was my first book by Harper and I absolutely am in love with her writing! I have a very strong feeling this follows after the Corps Security series, if not, then it would be a huge coincidence! I loved everything about this book, the characters, the romance, the suspense, the drama, every single word. I’m really looking forward to reading Bleeding Love as well as all of Harper’s other books!!
    • FINAL RATING: ☆☆☆☆☆
  • Coach by Alexa Riley: very quick, smut read. I had noticed Mechanic was a second book in a series and didn’t realize this book was the “first” book to the series, so I figured, why the heck not. :) As I said, it’s a smut read… A virgin, 18 year old senior in high school who catches the eye of her dad’s best friend who is a coach. I’m really excited to pick up Mechanic as well as Alexa’s others!
    • FINAL RATING: ☆☆☆
  • Conviction by Corinne Michaels: wow, just wow.. So many emotions were experienced while reading this duology. My heart broke countless times, a bawled my eyes out twice towards the last 75% percent, I laughed out loud who knows how many times, wanted to punch characters for being sooo stupid a lot. I really connected and fell for these characters hard. I can easily say Consolation and Conviction are an all time favorite for me. I’m kicking myself for not having read Corinne’s first duology, Belonging. I will however try and read that as well this month. I have fallen for these characters so much and I’m glad I don’t have to say goodbye just yet. Words cannot begin to describe how much I loved our Dreamboat, AKA Liam. He definitely makes it in the top of my book boyfriends. How he was with Arabelle made my heart swell… I’m not kidding you when I’ve said this in other reviews – guys who have that fatherly personality almost immediately win me over. :) Can’t wait to read more of Corinne’s books, I’m hooked!
    • FINAL RATING: ☆☆☆☆☆
  • Hard to Love by Kendall Ryan: I liked this book, nothing stood out as fantastic to me. I listened to this as an audiobook so I will admit, the lady who did Alexa’s voice was not fitting. I felt in the beginning she was portraying characters with a Scottish accent- something I don’t think is in Alexa’s background… At least not something that was mentioned. Her voice just didn’t do it for me, I couldn’t picture Alexa with the voice.
    I felt at times I wanted to strangle both Cade and Alexa. Especially Alexa towards the end… Overall, I very much enjoyed this book and I’m very excited to read more of Kendall’s books. Especially Screwed.

    • FINAL RATING: ☆☆☆½
  • Kaleidoscope Hearts by Claire Contreras: I loved this book! I do wish that we got more of their life as a couple though. I loved how dedicated Oliver was to school and what he wanted to do in the medical field- won me over. I loved Elle’s character to pieces- probably one of my favorites so far! Claire’s writing is absolutely beautiful! I think I tabbed at least 20 different quotes!
    My favorite scene, that I’m sure I’ll remember for a long time was the photoshoot! HOLY COW!
    I’m very excited for Paper Hearts! I loved Mia!!

    • FINAL RATING: ☆☆☆☆½
  • Torn Hearts by Claire Contreras: Wow, 45 pages and we get all that?! WOAH. I’m VERY intrigued to say the least for their full story and what happens next. Getting to exactly see what caused them to break up was a shocker to say the least. I knew it was probably something big, but what did happen took me by surprise! Can’t wait!!!! :D
    • FINAL RATING: ☆☆☆☆☆
  • Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J.K. Rowling: I FINISHED THE BIGGEST BOOK! ALL 800 PAGES!!!!! :D 5 down, 2 more left! Loved the book of course. ;)
    • FINAL RATING: ☆☆☆☆☆
  • Just a Kiss by Kate Kisset: Cute, light-hearted romance. A breath of fresh air from alot of NA I’ve read lately. I was born in Cali, but never got to see Napa/Sonoma area, and getting to see it through this story made me feel like I was there. Kate’s writing is fantastic! Loved this book! I’ll have more concrete thoughts on my full review to come.
    • FINAL RATING: ☆☆☆☆

What I’m Currently Reading:

scoring wilder sweet home

Scoring Wilder is my audiobook of choice and I’m LOVING it so far! :D I’ve made it only through the prologue in Sweet Home, but wow, that was sad. :(

What I Plan to Read:

harry potter and the half blood prince

This is the only book I have planned to read. I do have A LOT of books I want to read this month, but I’m kind of going with the flow and picking up what I want to read. So you’ll see what else I pick up next week when I show what I finished. :)
